BTChamp (Turn your 0.0005 BTC into 115 BTC)

BTChamp is a Person-To-Person Direct Subscription Platform.The matrix platform is operated in India using only bitcoin as an entity for donations and payments. BTChamp matrix platform was founded by Kasa Navakantha Rao and was officially launched on January 2017. Kasa was notice to have promoted two platform with similar system but pronounced that btchamp was born out of the frustrations experienced with those two similar systems, and he looks critically at the current models and wanted to fix the issues that plagued those systems to create a system that would benefit all members. This was what brought into existence the ideology of btchamp.

BTChamp is a 2 x 6 peer-to-peer matrix in which members of the system donates bitcoin to one another. Payments are made directly from one wallet to another without being processed by an automated system. BTChamp membership begins by gifting 0.0005 BTC to their direct upline and then they are eligible to receive direct payment from their downlines in up to 6 levels as they continue to upgrade. The system is designed to provide each members with a fund of 115 bitcoin at the end of the matrix.

Although btchamp doesn't have any retail product, the company has been doing quite well with all it's programs through membership marketing. Members of the btchamp system promote their affiliate link and earn bitcoin from donations made by their lower level referrals. Btchamp system is designed in such a way that it can be used by members to make and receive subscription payments directly.

The subscriptions are not collected by the Administrator, neither are they automated by the system. Rather, the subscription payments are sent directly from one member to another member. i.e. from one member’s Bitcoin Wallet to another member’s Bitcoin Wallet.

Why BTChamp?

Btchamp is giving you an opportunity to meet the financial needs that you require to invest on your ideas. At a start up fee of 0.0005 BTC, kasa is ready to empower you to achieve your dreams by providing an online matrix platform that gives you a chance to create your own wealth.

How BTChamp Works

BTChamp is a 2 x 6 peer-2-peer forced matrix. The system is based on every member just getting 2 referrals to join them. When your first level has been completed with two downlines, every other member that join though your link will spill over to your next level under your downline.

When you join BTChamp and activate your account by donating 0.0005 BTC to your sponsor, You will be eligible to receive 0.0005 BTC from each of your level 1 downlines i.e.  2 x 0.0005 = 0.001 BTC

Now you have to upgrade your account to level 2 by donating 0.0009 BTC to your level 2 upline and then you will be eligible to receive direct donation from each of you level 2 downlines i.e. 4 x 0.0009 = 0.0036 BTC

Now you have to upgrade your account to level 3 by donating 0.003 BTC to your level 3 upline and then you will be eligible to receive direct donation from each of your level 3 downlines i.e. 8 x 0.003 = 0.024 BTC

Now you have to upgrade your account to level 4 by donating 0.014 BTC to your level 3 upline and then you will be eligible to receive direct donation from each of your level 4 downlines i.e. 16 x 0.014 = 0.224 BTC

Now you have to upgrade your account to level 5 by donating 0.15 BTC to your level 5 upline and then you will be eligible to receive direct donation from each of your level 5 downlines i.e. 32 x 0.15 = 4.8 BTC

Now you have to upgrade your account to level 6 by donating 1.8 BTC to your level 6 upline and then you will be eligible to receive direct donation from each of your level 5 downlines i.e. 64 x 1.8 = 115.2 BTC

Account upgrade is mandatory to every member. BTChamp does not permit donations to accounts that are not upgraded.


As a member, you are only allowed to have 2 downline on your 1st level. They are known as your front line. Once your 1st level downlines has activated their accounts by making their first donation, new referrals who register through your referral link will spill over to your 2nd level to be placed under your level 1 downlines. When your front line has been completed, the next registering member who makes a donation will spill over to your level 2 before doing so. They will be assigned to someone in your downline as their sponsor to fill up your next level. This supports team work and enables you to build a faster network.


While examining the concept of btchamp system, it is true to yield about 115 BTC with just 0.0005 BTC. But this concept that seem to good to be true can work out if and only if all will agree with each other in a team. However, all need to work and upgrade their account constantly in order not to miss out in the system. Since the payment is made directly to one another rather than automated, there could be a loss for uplines if their downlines fail to upgrade by making payment to them.



There is an upgrade of BTChamp platform. Check out BTChamp 2.0


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